Tracing the History of Green Tea in India

koli majumdar102 comments

Green tea is manufactured from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not been subjected to the same withering and oxidation processes as oolong and black teas. Green tea originated in China, but it is now grown and manufactured in a number of other East Asian countries.

Green tea comes in a range of flavors, depending on the variety of Camellia sinensis used, growing conditions, horticulture practices, production processes, and harvest timing. There is also extensive research into the potential health benefits of drinking green tea on a regular basis.

What is the history of green tea?

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To 5 teas to drink in the fall season

koli majumdar52 comments

When summer turns to fall, many individuals become depressed. My reaction is the polar opposite. It's all about change, as simple as it may sound. I enjoy the crisp air, the autumn colors, and the slower pace. And, of course, with a new season comes new cuisine and, most importantly, new teas to drink on a daily basis. Summer is for iced tea, but autumn is for Chai. There's a reason why people eat pumpkin, cinnamon, and warm gingersnap cookies in the fall: they're all a little spicy. Tea is no exception. When we first wake up, we need a little jolt, and chai provides that. It also offers the most caffeine of any black tea, which is always a plus when you need to get your day started.

Nothing beats enveloping your body in a warm sweater and holding a mug of your favorite fall-flavored tea in your hands. Learn about our autumn tea flavor selections, stock up on your favorites, or try something new!

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What is Matcha Tea?

koli majumdar27 comments

From smoothies and bubble teas to cakes and swiss rolls, the Matcha flavor has taken the world by storm. Green, creamy and luxurious, the Matcha flavor is on a fast track to becoming a household name in the world of Beverages.

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Best Teas in the Assam Region

koli majumdar43 comments

Assam tea is a black tea named after the Indian state of Assam, where it is grown. The plant Camellia sinensis var. Assam is used to make Assam tea. “Assamica” is a word that means "assamese" in Assam tea is only grown in Assam. Attempts to establish Chinese types in Assam soil were unsuccessful at first. Assam tea is recognized for its body, briskness, malty flavor, and robust, bright color. It is currently largely grown at or near sea level. Assam teas especially blends with Assam, are frequently marketed as "breakfast" teas. Irish breakfast tea, for example, is made up of Assam tea leaves and is maltier and stronger than other breakfast teas. 


The state of Assam, which lies on both sides of the Brahmaputra River and borders Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and China, is the world's largest tea-growing region by productivity. During the monsoon season, this portion of India receives a lot of rain, up to 250 to 300 mm (10 to 12 in) every day. The temperature increases to around 36 degrees Celsius (96.8 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day, generating greenhouse-like conditions of severe humidity and heat. This tropical climate lends to Assam's distinctive malty flavor, for which it is famous.

Though Assam is most commonly associated with the country's distinctive black teas, the region also produces smaller quantities of green and white teas, each with its own distinct characteristics. Assam has historically been the world's second-largest commercial tea producer, after southern China, and one of only two places in the world with native tea plants.

The Assam Branch of the Indian Tea Association (ABITA), India's oldest and most significant association of tea producers, represents the majority of the currently operating tea estates in Assam.

There are mainly two types of tea which come from this region. Both are black teas.

Assam Orthodox Tea


Orthodox Assams are often of higher quality, less bitter, and have more delicate and multi-layered flavors than CTC Assams. But it isn't the end of the narrative. For one thing, they're normally collected by hand to ensure that the leaves are intact and whole - little, immature tea leaves plucked from the tea bush's tips. Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, Orthodox Assams are not totally prepared by hand. They go through many stages after being harvested, which can be done by hand or by machine.

The four different grades of Orthodox Assam black tea are:

1. Flowery Orange Pekoe (the small leaf next to the bud). 

2. Orange Pekoe (the second leaf next to the bud). 

3. Pekoe (the third leaf next to the bud). and

4. Souchong (the fourth leaf next to the bud)

TGFOP (Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe) is the highest quality of Orthodox Assam, handcrafted in small batches on the best estates. It has about a fourth of the tips. TGFOP is in high demand in the Arab world. It is consumed “pure,” that is, without the addition of milk. The Fannings and Dust are at the bottom of the barrel. This is the type of tea used in tea bags. Tea dust is also used to make Indian street chai, which is a whole separate beverage made with milk and spices.

There are a total of four steps in the processing of Orthodox Assam tea which are -

1. Withering

2. Rolling

3. Oxidation

4. Firing

Assam CTC Tea

When tea consumption became popular in the United Kingdom around the turn of the century, British tea businesses began experimenting in Assam, and the CTC process was devised and utilized to boost tea volume. CTC is an abbreviation for Crush, Tear, and Curl. It describes the manufacturing process for making the tea, which is identical to traditional tea production except that instead of being rolled at the end, the leaves are crushed, torn, and curled into tiny little balls by a succession of cylindrical rollers with hundreds of small sharp "teeth."

For the same weight of tea, CTC tea yields twice as much cuppage as traditional tea. One kilogram of CTC tea, for example, generates roughly 500 cups compared to 250 cups of Orthodox tea. Orthodox, on the other hand, has a higher quality than CTC since the coarse leaf is eliminated throughout the manufacturing process by shifting.

Check out our lovely collection of Assam teas by clicking here! 

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How to Make Your Chai Tea Latte Taste Even Better Than Starbucks

koli majumdar12 comments

In this blog, we will learn how to make your very own chai tea latte at home and we promise, it tastes just as good, if not better!

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Best teas in the Darjeeling region

koli majumdar36 comments
Darjeeling tea is made from Camellia sinensis var. sinensis, which is grown and processed in the West Bengal districts of Darjeeling and Kalimpong. Darjeeling tea has been a certified geographical identifier for products grown on specific estates in Darjeeling and Kalimpong since 2004. Although some estates have increased their product offerings to include leaves suited for brewing green, white, and oolong teas, the tea leaves are processed as black tea. We will look at all the different types of tea in this region.

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Darjeeling tea VS Assam tea - Lets Compare!

koli majumdar24 comments
Darjeeling tea and Assam tea are both famous in their own right, not just in India but outside India as well. They are teas that come from the two main tea-growing regions in India and are known for their taste and versatility and all-around flavor. Do you wonder if one is better than the other and are confused about which one you should grab for a morning cuppa? Well, we say, 2 cups of tea are better than one! HOWEVER, there are some key differences between the two that are important to note. 

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Complete Tea Brewing Guide

koli majumdar49 comments

Here is a comprehensive guide which tells you what are the overarching guidelines and the best way for you to brew all the different types of tea. We will tell you all about the best water temperature, steeping time and fun additions that you can add to have a delightful tea experience. The teas that are included in this guide are

  • Darjeeling Black Tea (1st and 2nd flush)
  • Green Tea
  • Oolong Tea
  • English Breakfast 
  • Masala Chai
  • Assam Tea

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Kouridashi Iced Tea - Japanese ice brew method

koli majumdar33 comments
During the hot and sultry summer months, do you have a longing for a refreshing glass of iced tea? Don't have to look any further! You'll find the perfect recipe waiting for you at Freshcarton! We're kicking off this summer with a newly popular cold brew iced tea from Japan. This method of preparing iced tea has garnered internet fame after an instagram reel went viral and we highly recommend that you try it! It is called Kouridashi or cold steeped iced tea.

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Boba Tea - A delicious cultural phenomenon

koli majumdar15 comments
When a tea base is blended with milk or fruit flavoring and then poured over black pearls, it makes the famous boba tea. According to the New York Times, the gluten-free pearls (boba) are produced of tapioca starch, which is then blended in an industrial mixer "with brown sugar syrup, water, potassium sorbate, and guar gum, to make a moist, caramel-colored powder." The end result is a chewy black bubble with little flavor. It is also known as pearl milk tea, bubble milk tea, or bubble tea.

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