Best teas in the Darjeeling region
Darjeeling tea
Darjeeling tea is made from Camellia sinensis var. sinensis, which is grown and processed in the West Bengal districts of Darjeeling and Kalimpong. Darjeeling tea has been a certified geographical identifier for products grown on specific estates in Darjeeling and Kalimpong since 2004. Although some estates have increased their product offerings to include leaves suited for brewing green, white, and oolong teas, the tea leaves are processed as black tea.
From March to November, the tea leaves are harvested by plucking the plant's top two leaves and the bud, a period divided into four flushes. The first flush is made up of the first few leaves that grow after the plant's winter hibernation and produces a light flowery tea with a minor astringency; it can also be used to make white tea. After the plant has been attacked by a leafhopper and the camellia tortrix, the second flush leaves are picked, resulting in a tea with a unique muscatel aroma. The warm, wet weather of monsoon flush produces leaves quickly, but they are less flavorful and are commonly blended. The autumn flush produces teas similar, but more muted, to the second flush.
In the mid-1800s, tea plants were first grown in the Darjeeling region. The British were looking for a tea supply source other than China at the time and tried cultivating the plant in a few different regions in India. Both the newly identified assamica variety and the sinensis variety were planted, however, var. sinensis benefited from the sloped drainage, chilly winters, and cloud cover.
The British established extensive tea plantations, with Gorkhas and Lepchas from Nepal and Sikkim making up the majority of the workforce. Following independence, the estates were all sold to Indian businesses and were governed by Indian laws. The Soviet Union took over as the principal buyer of Darjeeling tea from the British. Darjeeling tea was sold more to Western Europe as its distinctiveness and quality grew, with several estates obtaining organic, biodynamic, and Fairtrade certifications, and the Tea Board of India pursuing authentication and international promotion of Darjeeling teas.
Green tea
Green blends are made from tea leaves that have been pan fried or steamed at a high temperature shortly after plucking. The leaves do not have the opportunity to oxidize as a result of this process and hence stay in their pre-plucked state. After handpicking the tea leaves, they are let to air dry outside. The leaves are then allowed to wither for 24 hours to allow excess water to evaporate and the leaves to become totally dry. They are then pan-fried and steamed to stop the oxidation process and neutralize the enzymes. After steaming, the leaves are ready for rolling in a variety of tightnesses. This method of preparation preserves the green color of the leaves.
Green mixes have a low caffeine level, thus they enhance blood flow to our brain without making our hearts beat faster. You can burn excess fat in your body, increase the activities of many organs and glands, and eliminate tiredness by having a faster metabolism.
Polyphenols are abundant in green tea. It's a potent antioxidant that boosts our immune system by preventing DNA damage. When drunk on a regular basis, this beverage can be a healthy addition to your diet. Tea contains an antigen called Alkyl amine, which helps to boost immunity.
After a long day of hard work, a cup of Darjeeling organic green tea provides a pleasant experience for both mind and body. This drink contains the amino acid L, which helps with concentration and relaxation. You can significantly reduce your stress level if you drink this in moderation. Green tea mixes are excellent stress relievers.
White tea
Darjeeling White Tea is a type of tea that is made by steaming and drying the leaves and buds. In this sense, Darjeeling white tea is the least processed type of tea, as green, oolong, and black teas are withered before being fermented to various degrees. White tea loose leaf also has a higher number of buds, which have fine 'silvery' or 'downy' hairs that give the tea a pale white/grey hue. Darjeeling White tea has a pale yellow/light translucent appearance and a slightly sweet flavor without the 'grassy' characteristics that green tea has. Because it has undergone the least amount of processing. It's also known for having the best healing and disease-fighting qualities.
White tea has been demonstrated in studies to boost the immune system's ability to fight disease "Milton Schiffenbauer, Ph.D., a microbiologist and professor in Pace University's Dyson College of Arts & Sciences' Department of Biology and the study's lead author, says "According to our findings, White Tea can kill disease-causing organisms in vitro. Tea extract has been shown in numerous studies to have numerous therapeutic effects. This isn't an urban legend; it's a fact.
To prevent oxidation, Darjeeling White Teas are steamed or fried before being dried, with some being sun-dried in the instance of Arya Pearl White Tea.
The health benefits of Darjeeling White Tea are greater because it undergoes little processing. It retains the high catechin concentrations found in freshly picked tea leaves.
Oolong tea
Making oolong tea involves plucking very fine leaves whenever the bush provides the opportunity. Low-elevation Oolongs must be lightly oxidized, whereas higher-elevation Oolongs can boost oxidation for a richer, more full-bodied cup.
Oolong teas are made from delicate leaves gathered from high elevations in October/November. The same is true for leaves gathered from low, mid, and high elevations during the peak Second Flush period in May and June.
These teas are growing more popular, commanding higher prices, and elevating Darjeeling to new heights. Darjeeling Oolong teas are ideal for those who want sweet, non-astringent teas.
Black tea
Darjeeling produces mainly and largely black teas. Each tea estate has its own processing machinery, allowing processing to begin on the same day as plucking. The leaves are then taken indoors and air blasted overnight to dry them sufficiently so that when rolled without breaking the leaf, their cells can rupture, allowing oxidation to begin. Darjeeling teas, particularly the initial flush, wither more slowly than other black teas.
Milk and sweeteners are normally not added to Darjeeling teas since they are low in malt and bitter characteristics and are valued for their delicate flower and fruit fragrances. Because of their high tannin content, they mix nicely with carbohydrate-rich dishes like baked goods and spaghetti. Darjeeling teas are most renowned for their muscatel flavor, which is described as a "musky spiciness," a distinct muscat-like fruitiness in scent and flavor that emerges in the second flush and fades in the succeeding autumnal flush.
Darjeeling teas have a flowery scent and fruity (grapes, plums, apricots, peaches, pineapple, guava, or citrus fruits), flowery and woody aroma notes, as well as a little more astringency than their Chinese counterparts.
First Flush
Darjeeling first flush tea refers to the harvesting of young tea leaves during the plant's early spring development, which typically begins in March and lasts until April. These leaves have a more delicate flavor, which is light, fragrant, fresh, and crisp. Darjeeling teas from the first flush are less oxidized during processing and may appear greenish in color. This is done to keep the flavors of the food. It is one of the most popular teas in the world, and harvesters refer to it as the "Champagne" of teas.
Second Flush
The leaves of the Second Flush are more developed, with a mauve tint and silver points. During this time, leaf growth is substantially faster than during the first flush. The resulting tea will have a stronger yet smoother flavor thanks to these leaves. The muscatel and fruity flavor of this flush's teas is well-known.
Autumn Flush
Autumnal flush tea is harvested in October and November, yielding a final product with a rich copper-colored beverage and a nutty, mellow flavor. The tea plants shed their leaves during the winter season, and during this time, the tea plant squeezes out the last of what it has to offer before going dormant for the winter.
The black tea is definitely the one that we would recommend however, the rest are wonderful in their own right as well.